Friday, April 29, 2011

What is fancy sounding and comes in 4's? Spinach Pancetta Pizza.

To celebrate Easter weekend, and to provide the Brews Brothers in attendance with something good to eat with their 'religiously themed beers' I decided to whip up some pizza.  After flipping through my many (ok, like four) bread books, I came across a very synergistic recipe.  Spinach Pancetta pizza.

Megan had kindly donated pancetta from Trader Joe's (only one of the greatest grocery store chains on Earth) when she returned from Atlanta and I just had it sittin' in the I had the rest of the ingredients already (usually a strong force it determining what to bake...going to the store when its jsut 'ole H.E.B. can be more effort than its worth.  To top it all off this recipe wanted me to make four 'little pizzas' which would be perfect to dice up for the Brews Brothers crew.

The first thing the recipe calls for is to strain and drain some diced canned tomotoes and sprinkled in a couple of cloves of diced garlic, and to salt and pepper liberally.  After than layer it time to add some greenery (baby spinach leaves)

Finally the shredded mozzarella, because I'm lazy, because the recipe called for real mozzarella slices, and the KEYS to making this all worth it, the pancetta and the sun dried tomatoes in olive oil (so good)

Remember to save some cheese to sprinkle over the sun dried tomatoes because those suckers will dry out on top of these mini pies if not 'protected' by cheese.  Bake for 15-20 at 425 and cut and consume.

Not the healthiest way to make pizza, but its fancy and delicious, makes about 30-36 small slices.

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