Friday, February 4, 2011

Bread for the Bread Gods! (or cinnamon rolls...)

It snowed in Austin today.  No, thats not the beginning of a joke or a sign of the apocalypse.  It actually snowed an inch, which is enough to shut down the town.  My friends in Chicago still went to work in and after a blizzard.  Here, what would generously be called a 'dusting' or 'lake effect snow' is a three day weekend!  I knew I moved to Texas for a reason...

I decided to celebrate by making cinnamon rolls.  My roommates and cardiologists everywhere can celebrate :)

Like all future postings I will be adding the recipe which I use and instructions on how to make the recipe by hand and by bread machine (for the lazy of us out there....and yes...that would be me as well!)

Recipe added!

1 comment:

  1. dang Rohde. why wasn't I invited to the cinnamon roll party? just because I'm moving to Dallas doesn't mean I dont love me some bread and bread products.
